The Tech Equestrian

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Four Ways To Memorialize Your Horse

As much as we grieve when a loved one dies, we grieve as much when your horse dies, too. They become friends and companions; a source of comfort and a major part of our lives. They’re instinctive and they love us just as much as we love them. 

It can be difficult to manage when a horse dies, even though we know that they can’t live forever. As you would with a loved friend or relative in life, you need to grieve their death and honor the moments that you had together. You want to be respectful in bidding farewell to your horse that you have loved for years, and you’ll want to do what you can to remember them, too. With this in mind, here are four ways to remember your true friend that has been part of your life for many years!

  • Look into pet memorials. Yep, they are a thing for pets as much as they are for humans. Pet memorials allow you to create something that’s customized to the horse you have loved for years, and celebrate all of the moments that you had together. It’s a way to ensure that those unconditionally joyous times you’ve had together.

  • Create a fund in their name to honor the life of your horse. You can establish a legacy for your horse and ensure that they are named for a charity event or more. This will help keep them alive for you for longer, and to help you grieve properly. Don’t be afraid to look into a fund that will help others, too.

  • Be closer to your horse by volunteering for a charity or association that is connected to them. Donate your time and help raise money with events for that charity. They deserve your acknowledgement and it may help you heal.

  • Go digital with your memories. Take the time to create and order a digital photo book of your horse. You can be as elaborate as you like with this one, and while we’re on the same thread, what about a keepsake box? Put together a pet keepsake box with everything that you need to remember your horse. Their life should be honored and remembered properly. 

Bidding farewell to our horse is extremely hard and putting the time and effort into memorializing your connection with them is a great way to honor their life and your experiences together.