Posts tagged nightwatch
TTE Advisory Board: Tech Enabled Horse Shows

August is an exciting month in the horse show world from top European Championships to the Pan American Games to Pony Finals and more - the spotlight shines on equestrians and their equine athletes. With that in mind, we posed two questions to our horsetech experts on how technology is either changing or will change the way we compete. This month’s questions included:
1) How will technology change the way horse shows are governed? Will technology be seen as a help or will it be scrutinized for giving horse/rider an 'advantage'?
2) If you were a horse show producer - how would you leverage technology to help in providing a better experience? 

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TTE Advisory Board: How Integration Will Shape the Future of Horse Tech

What integrated ways (or disruptions) will technology change the horse world; please provide an example of what you are currently seeing, planning on offering with your product/service or hoping becomes available?

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